Sunday, August 26, 2012

To Make Money, You Must Spend Money (The Right Way): Pay-Per ...

When trying to advance a company through advertisement, every dollar counts. Everyone knows that in order to make money, you have to spend money; however, what many people do not realize is that they are going about this process incorrectly. Just because you purchase on online ad, which could be seen by millions, does not mean that you spent your money the right way. Also, even if your ad is not seen by that magnitude of consumers, the money is still coming out of your pocket. With the advancements in technology and advertisement that continue to pop-up nowadays, there are ways to avoid such online ad pitfalls. A Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertisement is a great way to take advantage of every dollar spent.

The difference between a Pay-Per-Click or Paid Search ad and a normal online advertisement is that a company will only pay for the ad when it is clicked on. It is a pretty self-explanatory idea, and sounds quite simple, but the effect it can have on your business is greater than you can imagine. Just think about how many times a consumer just scrolls past your advertisement without even giving it a chance. No matter how little he or she cares about whatever you?re selling, you still have to pay for what?s on the screen. A PPC ad takes this uninterested web surfer out of the equation. No click, no consequence.

If you are wondering if you have ever seen a PPC before, just think back to any Google results page you have ever seen. Have you ever been curious about why there are certain links on the top and right side of the page that are labeled ?sponsored links?? Well, those are Paid Search advertisements. If you wanted to know how to earn one of those coveted top spots on Google, this is the way to do it. These ads are purchased through search engines, and the highest (most coveted) spots are given to the highest bidders. The links at the top of a Google list are those that are most likely to be clicked by the common consumer.

This method does seem like it could have some issues, as you may end up paying more than a normal rate if you receive an unexpectedly high amount of clicks; however, there are multiple ways to avoid such situations and make your advertisements more specific to your target consumer. For example, you want the keywords of your search for whatever good or service you are selling to not be too general or too specific. What this means is that if your keywords are too general, your ad will just become one of countless advertisements for the same product. If your keywords are too specific, consumers may have a hard time finding your ad because as we all know, online shoppers don?t always know exactly what they are looking for. Sometimes it takes a little stumbling to find the right product.

The correct approach when determining keywords, is that they must be as targeted as possible. Know your consumer and know your competitor. If you know your consumer, then you know what they will be typing into that search bar. If you know your competitor, then you know what they have done successfully and if you can mimic or surpass that success. Not only can you add as many keywords as you wish, you can also add negative keywords. If a consumer types one of your negative keywords into the search bar, it will prevent your advertisement from coming up. The more targeted your keywords are, including negative, the more likely your ad is going to be clicked by consumers who are interested in making purchases.

The specifics of PPCs do not end with what is typed into search engines. These ads can also be catered to the size, location, and provided service of a company. For instance, some businesses only provide their service for customers within a certain geographic range. If people outside of this range were able to see the company?s PPC, it would be a waste of a click because it would not result in a transaction; therefore, a Paid Search ad can be narrowed to a certain area so that only potential customers can see it. Also, these ads could be set to focus only on a certain demographic as well. If a certain good or service is only provided for females between the ages of 35-55, these consumers can be targeted with PPCs through social media sites such as Facebook. Is there any better form of advertisement than one that can be seen by potential consumers and no one else?

While Pay-Per-Click advertisements might be a new concept to some, it is definitely one that more businesses should start taking advantage of. In an economic period where carelessness with funds can lead to the downfall of a company, a PPC is a way to make every dollar count. Obviously no advertisement is guaranteed to lead to a transaction, but with all the components of a PPC, it is definitely a way to come close. This sort of advertising is not just a way to spend money, but it is a right way to spend it.


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