Sunday, September 18, 2011

How to generate targeted leads using Facebook Notes |

Thursday, September 15th, 2011 at 6:18 pm ?

notes How to generate targeted leads using Facebook Notes

Besides the countless benefits that Facebook provides for every online entrepreneur ?building a brand, building relationships or sharing information-there is another great feature that allow you to generate targeted leads effortlessly.

What is the feature Radu?

Just two words: Facebook Notes.


By the end of? this article you will know exactly how to use them in your marketing efforts to attract more people interested in what you have to offer.

Like every marketing strategy, a Facebook Note presents opportunities and risks.

The greatest risk is trying to spam with business links and providing low quality information just to make some extra cash. This will only destroy your credibility and influence online.


On the other hand, if you seek to add as much value as possible, the opportunities are huge:

-????????? massive exposure: in groups, pages on people?s walls.

-????????? A good note also generates dozens of comments and likes. Thus, more and more people will be more curious about you.

-????????? Accessibility: you don?t need to be the super duper expert in order to create a note. Anyone can write one in a short amount of time.

-????????? Traffic: it?s very easy to add an image or link that points directly to your blog or a capture page and start driving traffic to them.


Let?s see now how you can generate leads?



1. Create a new note

Go to the left sidebar of your Facebook profile and pick up ?notes?.

There are plenty of topics you can write about: MLM or internet marketing training, self improvement tips, inspirational quotes, stories or personal notes just to name a few.


2. Add massive value

More exactly, content that is educational, entertaining or enlightening. You can mix them up for more originality.


3. Make the note attractive by adding catchy titles

Secondly you can insert some nice pictures with the ?add photo? option.


4. Create a strong call to action

After you add some serious value a call to action becomes a normal step.

Include a link to an opt in form or your personal blog. Thus, you will start generating targeted leads.


-use this html code to make a link clickable


<a href=?>yourtext</a>

-for a clickable image use the photo code instead of ?yourtext?

Usually it looks like this: <photo id=?1? />


For videos:add an image in your note and implement the following code:

<a href=?yourvideolink?>yourphotocode</a>


5. Select the privacy options and tag your friends

You can make the note visible to everyone or only to certain categories of people. Also, tag your friends and it will show up on their wall. Yet, don?t tag people randomly because this is called spamming!

Hit the publish button and voila! Now take the link and spread in groups or other pages every day. It?s really that simple blank How to generate targeted leads using Facebook Notes

Finnaly, if you want to have more fun with each note, in this post you will find more html codes for an advanced customization.

Facebook notes is definitely one of the most simple strategies to generate targeted leads for every type of online business and engage with others at the same time. I?m looking forward to use? it as often as possible.


Your turn: What is your opinion? Do you apply this facebook tactic?

Let?s meet in the comments area and talk more .I?d love to hear your ideas and suggestions blank How to generate targeted leads using Facebook Notes


PS: There are more free ways to generate targeted leads using the power of social media.Click here to find out more details.

Thanks for reading my blog post. Please share it with your friends on Facebook , Twitter, Linked In or Stumble Upon. I apblank How to generate targeted leads using Facebook Notespreciate your support blank How to generate targeted leads using Facebook Notes


To your success,

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