Saturday, July 30, 2011

Snowboarding Techniques For The Self-conscious Set - Artipot

Snowboarding is an exciting sport, but it takes a good deal of practice. It also takes balance, and timing, and a certain amount of bravado. It is easy to hurt yourself if you are just learning, so take a little time to read these hints. Then your first trip to the ski slopes won't be your last!

First, check a weather report. The best weather for first-timers is something close to a blizzard. This will give you smaller class sizes, and something soft to land on, (i.e. LOTS of snow). You will fall down a lot as you learn, so you definitely want a soft landing.

Don't go early in the season, and don't go late. Too early means not enough snow, and you will be landing on a 'mountain' with a decorative white cover (Ouch!). Too late means that repeated thawing and refreezing has turned most of the snow to ice just below the surface, which is also not a happy landing. The best time to go is mid-season, late December through January, depending on weather conditions.

Don't try to learn from a spouse, or a significant other, or a good friend. You may end up hating each other. You will wonder why they have no idea how to teach. And they will wonder why you can't learn something that is 'so easy'.

Also, this is not a skill you can 'pick up'. You will have to be taught, so don't go out on the slopes and just 'give it a whirl'. You will probably end up hurting yourself and others too. That is one of the hardest things to learn: sharing the snow means you will have to learn how to avoid other skiers and snowboarders.

Try a lesson from a trained professional. The ski resorts have droves of instructors just itching to send you down the slopes on your first snowboarding adventure. You could sign up for a class, but you may find your fellow students are all six years old. If you can, take a private lesson. They're not much more expensive, and you get an instructor all to yourself. The more time you get with an instructor, the more likely you are to have fun and learn some actual skills.

If you put yourself in the hands of an instructor, remember to listen and disregard any preconceived notions you have of the sport or how well you will do at it. The instructors have taught a lot of people this skill, so what they're telling you deserves your attention. Try to put everything they say into practice.

If following all the instructions to the letter doesn't send you down a few slopes without falling, ask for a refund or a re-do. The ski resort has a lot invested, so they want you to succeed at your lesson and come back again and again for the season. They will try their best to accommodate you if you put your request in a reasonable manner.

The thrill of snowboarding attracts all kinds of people, particularly after the Winter Olympics. Start your adventure off with a little knowledge and a little prudence, and then go have a wonderful time!

About the Author

Checking out snowboard tricks is a great way to spend some time in the season, so learning those tricks is a great way to get yourself some of that attention. You'll need good snowboarding rails and don't forget to keep your snowboarding gloves to hand. For all the information you'll need, please visit our website now.


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